Adaptive output-feedback control is investigated for a class of uncertain damped wave equations. The remarkable features of the system in question are as follows: (i) Unknown damping is allowed at the boundary; (ii) The boundary measurement is corrupted by an unknown harmonic disturbance. These features make the control problem essentially different from those in the related literature. To solve the problem, a novel adaptive output-feedback control scheme is established for the system. Specifically, an ingenious observer is first introduced to reconstruct the unmeasured system state in the space domain. Based on this, a certain compensation mechanism is designed for the unknown damping coefficient and output disturbance by adaptive technique based on projection operator. Then, an output-feedback controller is successfully designed by the backstepping method for ODEs, which guarantees that all states of the resulting closed-loop system are bounded, and the original system state ultimately converges to an arbitrarily prescribed small neighborhood of the origin. Finally, a simulation example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. K E Y W O R D S adaptive technique, corrupted boundary measurement, output-feedback control, unknown damping, wave equations 1 INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM FORMULATION Over the past decades, output-feedback control has been intensively investigated for the systems described by second-order hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs) (see, eg, References 1-9), which can describe many practical processes, such as the propagation of waves in an elastic string, 1,5 the vibration of a drillstring, 7 and an axially moving accelerated string. 9 However, the corresponding output-feedback theory is far from mature, particularly for the systems with uncertainties. Indeed, once uncertainties exist, certain compensation mechanism should be integrated with the reconstruction mechanism for the unmeasured state in the whole space domain, which would make the control task much harder to achieve. In recent years, much effort has been devoted to the output-feedback control for the second-order hyperbolic PDE systems with disturbances or unknown parameters (see, eg, References 2-4,8-11), specifically, by adaptive technique.