“…1966aSpringer. , 1966bSpringer ei al., 1968], and finite-difference calculations of the near-source behavior of explosions [Butkovich, 1965;Rogers, 1966;Holzer, 1966;Cherry, 1967;Cherry and Hurdhw, 1966;Cherry and Petersen, 1970;Schatz et al, 1977]. Within this period of time there has been considerable effort in developing empirical models for seismic-source function [Murphy and Mueller, 1971;McEvilly and Peppin, 1972;Aki, 1967;Ah et al, 1974;Randall, 1964Randall, , 1971Backus and Mulcahy, 1976], on discrimination of earthquakes and explosions [Liebermann and Pomeroy, 1969;Marshall, 1970;Evernden ei al., 1971: Marshall andBasham, 1972;Douglas et al, 1974], and on magnitude relations asa function of geo physical properties of the earth [Marshall ei at., 1978;Chung, 1978].…”