Protein-protein interactions are vital to cellular function and recent studies have revealed the complexity of protein interaction networks (1, 2). Considering the crowded environment of the cell, weak (transient) protein interactions are expected to be ubiquitous (3). However, given their low affinity, such complexes tend to be overlooked by high-throughput proteomics.The structural features of protein-protein interfaces that enable transient interactions are not well understood, although poor geometric complementarity seems to be a prerequisite (4 -7). The interfaces of electron transfer (ET) 1 protein complexes, which represent an extreme in terms of low affinity and specificity (5), have the poorest surface complementarity (6).Electron self-exchange (ESE) is a simple reaction exhibited by redox proteins that provides a measure of their ET capabilities. An essential step in ESE is homodimer formation giving rise to transient protein interactions on the submillisecond time scale. To investigate the features of transient proteinprotein interactions involved in ET we have studied the influence of ionic strength on the ESE reactivity of a single family of redox metalloproteins. For this purpose we have chosen the plastocyanins (PCus), which are cupredoxins involved in photosynthetic ET, as their surface features vary considerably depending upon the organism from which the protein is obtained, yet their active site structures are almost identical (8).Plastocyanin is one of the best structurally characterized ET metalloproteins and possesses a -barrel structure with the type 1 copper ion buried ϳ6 Å beneath the protein surface (Fig. 1A) (9 -13). Higher plant PCus have two distinct surface features (9, 11), namely the hydrophobic patch surrounding the exposed His 87 ligand, and the acidic patch that is more distant from the copper site (Fig. 1). In the PCu from the fern Dryopteris crassirhizoma (seedless, vascular plant) the acidic region is relocated and surrounds the hydrophobic patch ( Fig. 1) (13). In green algal PCus the acidic patch is more diffuse (12), whereas in the cyanobacterial PCus it is non-existent ( Fig. 1) (10). The charged and hydrophobic patches of PCu are utilized in the interaction with both physiological ET partners; cytochrome f (cytochrome f of the cytochrome b 6 f complex) and photosystem I (PSI) (5,(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21). It has been shown that the structure of the interface between PCu and cytochrome f is organism-dependent (5, 19).Herein we study the influence of ionic strength (NaCl) on the ESE rate constants of spinach (higher plant), D. crassirhizoma, Ulva pertusa (green alga), and Anabaena variabilis (cyanobacterium) PCus. We also investigate the influence of the physiologically relevant Mg 2ϩ ion and temperature on the ESE reactivity of spinach PCu, the most highly charged protein studied. Protein modeling and docking simulations have been used to obtain representative structures of the transient homodimers formed. These models highlight the features of the proteinprotein i...