In mammography screening, the majority of abnormalities are the result of nonmalignant proliferative breast lesions.1,2 Preoperative diagnostic procedures are adopted in the investigation of suspicious or equivocal screen-detected breast lesions to avoid unnecessary open biopsy. The high-quality performance of a nonoperative procedure provides the best benign-to-malignant ratio in open biopsy. The quality assurance system is an integrated part of breast screening programs 3 and is necessary to evaluate screening performance.Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has been used extensively over the years in the diagnosis of breast lesions. However, despite the many benefits (eg, fast turnaround time, patient compliance, and its reputation as a simple and cost-effective method), it has been increasingly criticized of having a high inadequate rate (IR) and suboptimal accuracy. [4][5][6] The preoperative confirmation of breast cancer by FNAC has gradually been reduced in many screening programs in which the results were not satisfactory and replaced by microhistology, consisting of ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy (USCNB) or stereotactic core needle biopsy (SCNB). 4,[7][8][9] The IR for FNAC is inversely proportional to the operator's level of experience and the presence of specialized cytologists.10-13 Radiologic imaging 5,6 and the type of guidance system used are additional factors that could affect the performance of FNAC.5 Diagnostic accuracy can be achieved through a multidisciplinary consultation, combining FNAC results with clinical and radiologic data (the triple test).14 The diagnostic value of FNAC improves with the immediate onsite evaluation of specimens. 10,15 Immediate cytologic diagnosis in real time is cost-effective and allows those patients with benign diseases to be given immediate reassurance whereas the management of patients with malignant or suspicious lesions can be quickly planned. 16,17 The current study describes the quality performance results of FNAC over a 5-year period of activity at the Breast Cancer Screening Program in Verona (BCSPV ), in which the integrated radiopathologic, real-time assessment of suspicious lesions and immediate cytologic reports are performed. The objective of the current study was to highlight FNAC accuracy when it is part of an integrated radiopathologic service in which the cytologic sample results are immediately matched with clinical and imaging findings.