Key Points:• We report a statistical study of magnetic-field curvature by MMS • The curvature field is observed to be distributed with distinct powerlaw tails • Magnitude of the curvature and magnetic field are found to be anti-correlated
AbstractUsing in situ data, accumulated in the turbulent magnetosheath by the Magnetospheric Multi-Scale (MMS) Mission, we report the first measurements of magnetic field curvature and discuss its role in the turbulent space plasmas. Consistent with previous simulation results, the Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of the curvature is shown to have distinct power-law tails for both high and low value limits. We find that the magneticfield-line curvature is intermittently distributed in space. High curvature values reside near weak magnetic-field regions, while low curvature values are correlated with small magnitude of the force acting normal to the field lines. This novel statistical characterization of magnetic curvature in space plasma provides a starting point for assessing, in a turbulence context, the applicability and impact of particle energization processes, such as curvature drift, that rely on this fundamental quantity.
Plain Language SummaryMagnetic fields are observed everywhere in the universe; ranging from the core region of some planets and most stars, to the solar wind, and other astrophysical systems.Most of these systems are in highly turbulent state. The magnetic field in these turbulent systems are twisted and stretched randomly in a complex manner. The quantity, curvature, measures how sharply the magnetic fields are "bent". Curvature is important for studying how charged particles are accelerated and how energy is dissipated in turbulent plasmas. These fast charged particles can be harmful for the spacecraft and onboard astronauts. Energy dissipation, on the other hand, directly controls the electromagnetic environment of Earth's magnetosphere and therefore, controlling the space weather.We investigate, in a statistical way, the magnetic-field curvature from in situ measurement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft. We find that, using simple theoretical arguments along with the guidance of numerical simulations, we are able to closely predict the statistical behavior of magnetic field curvature in these turbulent systems.