Martínez, Vicente, María Dolores Barrachina, Gordon Ohning, and Yvette Taché . Cephalic phase of acid secretion involves activation of medullary TRH receptor subtype 1 in rats. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 283: G1310-G1319, 2002. First published August 28, 2002 10.1152/ajpgi.00222.2002-Mechanisms involved in the cephalic phase of gastric acid secretion were studied in awake fasted rats with chronic gastric fistula and exposed to the sight and smell of chow for 30 min. Acid secretion was monitored using constant intragastric perfusion and automatic titration. Sham feeding induced a peak acid response reaching 82 Ϯ 7 mol/10 min within 20 min compared with the average 22 Ϯ 2 mol/10 min in controls. The shamfeeding response was abolished by intracisternal pretreatment with the TRH1-receptor antisense oligodeoxynucleotides or subcutaneous injection of atropine, whereas TRH1 mismatch oligodeoxynucleotides had no effect. Serum gastrin was not altered by the sham feeding and increased by refeeding. Gastrin antibody did not block the rise in acid during sham feeding, although the net acid response was reduced by 47% compared with the control group. Glycine-gastrin antibody, indomethacin and nitro-L-arginine methyl ester had no effect. Atropine and gastrin antibody decreased basal acid secretion by 98 and 75%, respectively, whereas all other pretreatments did not. These results indicate that the cholinergic-dependent acid response to sham feeding is mediated by brain medullary TRH 1 receptors in rats.gastrin; atropine; nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, indomethacin; glycine-gastrin antibody; antisense oligodeoxynucleotides; 2-deoxy-D-glucose; histamine THE CEPHALIC PHASE OF DIGESTION includes digestive and metabolic responses induced by pregastric sensory inputs driven by the thought, sight, smell, taste, and swallowing of food (9, 50). Among the observed changes, the increase in gastric acid secretion elicited by sham feeding has been amply demonstrated in dogs and humans (9, 22). Pavlov's pioneering work in dogs (41) and later reports in dogs and humans (1,21) showed that the cephalic phase of gastric acid secretion was abolished by vagotomy and muscarinic blockade and may contribute Ͼ50% of the overall postrandial response (18). Although the primary role of vagal cholinergic pathways in the gastric acid response to sham feeding has been well established, the central signaling mechanisms involved in vagal activation have received little attention. The cephalic phase response has been largely studied in dogs and humans, thereby limiting the ability to perform more comprehensive investigations of central mechanisms (1,21,41).Vagal efferent fibers innervating the stomach originate mainly from neurons located in the dorsal motor nucleus (DMN) of the vagus (4). Several neuropeptides and transmitters have been reported to act on DMN neurons to influence gastric function through vagal efferent pathways in rats (24, 48). Convergent neuroanatomical and electrophysiological evidence supports a physiological excitatory ac...