Weaning marks an important milestone during life history in mammals indicating nutritional independence from the mother. Age at weaning is a key measure of maternal investment and care, affecting female reproductive rates, offspring survival and ultimately the viability of a population. Factors explaining weaned age variation in the endangered mountain gorilla are not yet well understood. This study investigated the impact of group size, group type (one-male versus multi-male), offspring sex, as well as maternal age, rank, and parity on weaned age variation in the Virunga mountain gorilla population. The status of nutritional independence was established in 69 offspring using long-term suckling observations. A Cox-regression with mixed effects was applied to model weaned age and its relationship with covariates. Findings indicate that offspring in one-male groups are more likely to be weaned earlier than offspring in multi-male groups, which may reflect a female reproductive strategy to reduce higher risk of infanticide in one-male groups. Inferior milk production capacity and conflicting resource allocation between their own and offspring growth may explain later weaning in primiparous mothers compared to multiparous mothers. Sex-biased weaned age related to maternal condition defined by parity, rank, and maternal age will be discussed in the light of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis. Long-term demographic records revealed no disadvantage of early weaning for mother or offspring. Population growth and two peaks in weaned age within the Virunga population encourage future studies on the potential impact of bamboo shoots as a weaning food and other environmental factors on weaning.Female reproductive rates are key in determining the viability of endangered populations. Using suckling observations from the Virunga mountain gorilla population spanning nearly forty years, we investigated factors affecting variation in age at weaning, a principal determinant of reproductive rate. Our findings provide evidence that females in one-male groups that have higher risk of infanticide wean offspring earlier than those in multi-male groups, that there is differential investment in males depending on age and reproductive experience of the mother, and that we should focus more on the availability of easily digestible foods (here bamboo) in relation to age at weaning. Improved understanding of such influencing factors enables us to more readily predict future population dynamics of these great apes as they grow towards their carrying capacity with continued change in their environment. 1996; Quinn 2013) as it can determine both female future reproductive rates and offspring fitness in mammals (