“…;American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria, KS patients' most prominent symptoms are profound anterograde memory disturbances that impair everyday life and, in addition, moderate signs of retrograde amnesia. Memory impairments emerge in different modalities (see Heinrichs, 1994;Holdstock, Mayes, Cezayirli, Aggleton, & Roberts, 1999;Kixmiller, Verfaellie, Mather, & Cermak, 2000) and occur in free recall and in recognition conditions (Kessler, Irle, & Markowitsch, 1986;Kessler, Markowitsch, & Bast-Kessler, 1987;Markowitsch, Kessler, Bast-Kessler, & Riess, 1984;Markowitsch, Kessler, & Denzler, 1986). Remote memory disturbances include a reduced ability to recall autobiographicalepisodic events and semantic knowledge, such as famous events and names (Borsutzky, Fujiwara, & Markowitsch, 2006;Kopelman, Stanhope, & Kingsley, 1999;Mayes, Daum, Markowitsch, & Sauter, 1997).…”