In recent past, epigenetic regulaions on mammalian aging has set a footprint in geriatric research at the molecular and cellular level. Epigenetic changes are phenotypic changes that are heritable through generations without any alteration of genetic sequences. Epigenetic involvement in memory formations and memory consolidation have been established in recent past. Also, it has been found that stress (due to aging or diseased condition)-induced oxidative damage can cause epigenetic modulation which aggravates memory impairment by initiating changes at the levels of genetic and biochemical profile(s). Epigenetic modulation at the levels of DNA methylation, histone acetylation and micro RNAs modifications have been found to be linked with cognitive impairment during normal as well as diseased aging. Calorie restriction in diet can attenuate aging-induced memory impairment by directly working on the epigenetic biomarkers related to DNA methylation, Histone acetylation and microRNAs level. However, effect of CR diet over disease-induced memory impairment is not well investigated and needs further research. In this review article, we have summarized various epigenetic biomarkers related to cognitive performance during aging and effect of CR diet as an epigenetic modulator/rejuvenator over aging-induced cognitive decline.