The mechanism of polyol accumulation in diapausing Bombyx eggs, conversion of [6-14C] glucose-6-phosphate into polyols and other neutral sugars was investigated in in vitro reaction systems. When crude homogenate or a press juice of the eggs was incubated with [6-14C]glucose-6-P, the labelled trehalose, sorbitol and glycezl accumulated in the reaction mixture. In the press juice incubation system of developing eggs at day I , 14C-sorbitol was detected in appreciable amounts, but it decreased rapidly with the development of the embryos. When the press juice was prepared from eggs in diapause, the formation of "C-sorbitol was 3-5 times grester in eggs at early stages (day 2 to day 4) than in developing eggs.In eggs of Bombyx mori, glycogen is converted into two polyols, sorbitol and glycerol, at the onset of and is resynthesized at the termination of the diapause (4, 5). The enzyme systems responsible for polyol accumulation in both diapause eggs and developing eggs have been studied, and some of them have been purified and characterized (5, 6 , 7, 8, 12, 13, 23, 24, 25). These studies reveal that the enzyme system responsible for the production of polyols from glycogen is present not only in diapause eggs but is also present in developing eggs, in the latter, however, polyol accumulation does not occur in natural conditions.In a series of experiments, CHINO (5) suggested that a block in electron transport systems occurs at the initiation of diapause and it causes the formation of reduced pyridine nucleotide coenzymes which, in turn, facilitate polyol formation. However, the nature of the regulatory mechanism in polyol accumulation still remains unclear. The purpose of the present study is to examine possible factors or conditions which cause polyol formation using in vitro reaction systems: the press juice system and the homogenate system.
Silkworm eggsA bivoltine race, a hybrid of Nichi 106 and Daizo, was used. The procedures to obtain diapausing and devzloping eggs have been described previously (12). In some experiments, however, embryo development was initiated by treating diapause eggs with a 22 % HCI solution as reported by FUKUDA and KOHNO (10).
ChemicalsGlucose-6-phosphate and yeast hexokinase (Type 111) were purchased from Sigma Chem. Co. Ltd.; [6-14C]glucose (specific activity, 2-4 mCi/mmole) from Daiichi Pure Chem.