Activation of the visual pigment rhodopsin is caused by 11-cis to -trans isomerization of its retinal chromophore. High-resolution solid-state NMR measurements on both rhodopsin and the metarhodopsin II intermediate show how retinal isomerization disrupts helix interactions that lock the receptor off in the dark. We made 2D dipolar-assisted rotational resonance NMR measurements between 13 C-labels on the retinal chromophore and specific 13 C-labels on tyrosine, glycine, serine, and threonine in the retinal binding site of rhodopsin. The essential aspects of the isomerization trajectory are a large rotation of the C20 methyl group toward extracellular loop 2 and a 4-to 5-Å translation of the retinal chromophore toward transmembrane helix 5. The retinal-protein contacts observed in the active metarhodopsin II intermediate suggest a general activation mechanism for class A G proteincoupled receptors involving coupled motion of transmembrane helices 5, 6, and 7.G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a large superfamily of membrane receptors that have seven transmembrane (TM) helices and respond to a wide array of signaling ligands. Similarities in the sequences of these receptors have led to the idea that they share a common activation mechanism, whereas sequence diversity is correlated with the specificity of different receptors for different ligands and G proteins. With the exception of the visual pigment rhodopsin (1, 2), the structures of GPCRs are unknown. The rhodopsin crystal structure shows that the TM helices are locked in an inactive conformation by interhelical interactions involving conserved amino acids. The general model of GPCR activation that has emerged over the past few years is that ligand-binding, or retinal isomerization in the case of the visual pigments, disrupts these interactions and drives a rigid body movement of one or more of the TM helices (3, 4).Helix-helix interactions in rhodopsin are mediated by two sets of conserved amino acids. The highly conserved signature amino acids have sequence identities of Ͼ80% across the family of class A GPCRs. These amino acids are generally highly polar, aromatics, or proline. The group-conserved amino acids are small and͞or weakly polar (Gly, Ala, Ser, Thr, and Cys) (5). They have low individual sequence identities but are highly conserved (Ͼ80%) when considered as a group. These amino acids are involved in mediating close helix contacts and facilitating interhelical hydrogen bonding (6).The location of the group-conserved amino acids largely in the interfaces of TM helices H1-H4 of rhodopsin has suggested that these helices are locked in a stable structure that does not change significantly upon receptor activation (5). There are fewer group-conserved amino acids in H5-H7. H5 and H7 are unusual in containing conserved prolines that facilitate interactions with the H1-H4 core by exposing the i-4 backbone carbonyl for interhelical hydrogen bonding. H6 is unusual in that the TM region is composed of conserved aromatic and large hydrophobic amino acids ...