Intercellular transfer of plasmid DNA during bacterial conjugation initiates and terminates at a specific origin of transfer, oriT. We have investigated the oriT structure of conjugative plasmid R64 with regard to the initiation and termination of DNA transfer. Using recombinant plasmids containing two tandemly repeated R64 oriT sequences with or without mutations, the subregions required for initiation and termination were determined by examining conjugation-mediated deletion between the repeated oriTs. The oriT subregion required for initiation was found to be identical to the 44-bp oriT core sequence consisting of two units, the conserved nick region sequence and the 17-bp repeat A sequence, that are recognized by R64 relaxosome proteins NikB and NikA, respectively. In contrast, the nick region sequence and two sets of inverted repeat sequences within the 92-bp minimal oriT sequence were required for efficient termination. Mutant repeat A sequences lacking NikA-binding ability were found to be sufficient for termination, suggesting that the inverted repeat structures are involved in the termination process. A duplication of the DNA segment between the repeated oriTs was also found after mobilization of the plasmid carrying initiation-deficient but terminationproficient oriT and initiation-proficient but termination-deficient oriT, suggesting that the 3 terminus of the transferred strand is elongated by rolling-circle-DNA synthesis.Intercellular transfer of plasmid DNA during bacterial conjugation is accomplished by the function of transfer genes borne on each conjugative plasmid (for reviews, see references 4 and 15). All conjugative and mobilizable plasmids, such as R64, F, RP4, and R1162, contain oriT sites as cis elements which function as the origin of transfer of plasmid DNA. At the initiation stage of DNA transfer, a site-and strand-specific nick is introduced into the oriT site with a covalent attachment of the cognate relaxase protein to the 5Ј terminus of the nicked strand. The nicked strand is transferred from donor to recipient cells with the 5Ј terminus leading through a putative channel. In the donor cells, replacement strand DNA synthesis reconstitutes the double-stranded plasmid DNA. After one round of DNA transfer, the relaxase-attached 5Ј terminus of the transferred-strand DNA is religated to its 3Ј terminus to reconstitute the circular structure, and complementary-strand synthesis establishes double-stranded plasmid DNA in the recipient cells. Among these steps, the mechanisms by which initiation and termination of conjugative DNA transfer occur are important issues which remain to be elucidated.Initiation and termination of conjugative DNA transfer at the oriT site were extensively studied using a small mobilizable plasmid, R1162 (RSF1010). R1162 oriT consists of a specific nick site and a 10-bp inverted repeat with one mismatch, which is situated 8 bp from the nick site (3, 27). Three R1162 proteins, MobA, MobB, and MobC, form a protein-DNA complex called the relaxosome at oriT (27). From ...