Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalisLinnaeusCephalopods have a remarkable ability to change the color and pattern of their skin, and research has demonstrated that visual input regulates these changes. Cuttlefish skin can show 20 -50 chromatophore patterns that are used for both camouflage and communication (1). Cuttlefish can change their body patterns within a fraction of a second because chromatophore organs are innervated directly from the brain (2, 3). Because of its speed and diversity, body patterning in cuttlefish is the most sophisticated form of adaptive coloration in the animal kingdom (4). Although many aspects of cephalopod vision are known (5), the visual features of a given substrate that evoke adaptive coloration are relatively unstudied.Recently we developed a quantifiable behavioral assay based upon single, static, computer-generated images that allow us to control detailed aspects of visual input. With this method, we first showed that certain visual background features were used by cuttlefish to produce disruptive coloration (6). Specifically, when the size of white squares on a checkerboard was similar to that of the "White square" component in the animal's skin, the cuttlefish produced a disruptive color pattern; this response occurred over a large contrast range and required only that a few white checks be present in the visual background. A subsequent study (7) showed that, to produce disruptive body patterns for camouflage, cuttlefish cue visually on the area-not the shape or aspect ratio-of light objects in a dark substrate. Most recently, we found that if the background was composed of a high density of small light and dark objects, the cuttlefish would produce mottled skin patterns; but if the background was uniform, uniformly stippled skin patterns would be produced (8). We also applied this behavioral assay to the study of the polarization vision of cuttlefish; although the results were mixed, they indicated that cuttlefish perceive differently polarized checks as light or dark objects and