Peroxisomal long-chain 2-hydroxy-acid oxidase, an FMN-dependent enzyme, catalyzes the oxidation of a variety of L-2-hydroxy acids into keto acids at the expense of oxygen. We recently reported the cloning and sequencing of its cDNA and the existence of a weakly expressed isozyme [Belmouden, A., Biochem. 214,[17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. This isozyme, Pz, differs from the major one in having a three-residue insertion, -VRK-, in loop 4 of the p8a8 barrel. In the crystal structures of homologous flavocytochrome b, and glycolate oxidase, the corresponding region of loop 4 is disordered. We now report on the constitutive high-level expression of isozymes PI and p2 in Escherichiu coli under control of the ApL promoter, and on the influence of the E. coli genetic background and the growth medium on the expression level. We describe the properties of isozyme fi2 and compare them with those of pure isoform PI. The visible spectra of the purified enzymes differ in the position of the near-ultraviolet band of the prosthetic group. pH titration studies indicate that the FMN ionizes at N3 at a lower pH than free flavin and that there is a small pK, difference between the isozymes. To our knowledge, the only other known case of a lowered pKa for the protein-bound flavin is that of glycolate oxidase. In the CD spectra of the FMN region, a marked difference between isozymes in the 270-300-nm region appears to be related to the pK, difference for the N3-H bond. Kinetic parameters for a number of substrates and inhibitors are indistinguishable within the limits of experimental error, with the exception of values for kczt, for mandelate (the most active substrate), K,,, for hydroxyhippurate (a new substrate), K, for cinnamate and oxalate, and K', for sulfite. The differences are no larger than twofold. The foregoing comparison between isozymes and P2 shows that the naturally engineered insertion in loop 4 exerts some influence on the flavin spectral properties and the active-site reactivity. Since the corresponding loop 4 regions in the three-dimensional structures of flavocytochrome b, and glycolate oxidase are 1.5-2.0 nm removed from the flavin, it would appear either that loop 4 has a very different conformation in hydroxy-acid oxidase, or that it may interact with the active site due to mobility. Keywords: isozyme ; flavin pK, ; 2-hydroxy acid oxidation; recombinant protein expression.Long-chain 2-hydroxy-acid oxidase (HAO) is an FMN-dependent enzyme which oxidizes L-2-hydroxy acids to keto acids at the expense of oxygen, with formation of hydrogen peroxide. It is an isozyme (isozyme B) of short-chain 2-hydroxy-acid oxidase or glycolate oxidase (isozyme A), which is found in mammals and in plants. Both proteins are members of a family of flavoenzymes that dehydrogenate L-2-hydroxy acids of varying structures. For the dehydrogenase-oxidase subclass, the reduced flavin is reoxidized by oxygen, whereas, for the dehydrogenaseelectron transferase subclass, the prosthetic group is reoxidized by a monoelectronic acceptor.From...