Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) 3 (1) is a water-soluble photoreceptor protein suggested to be involved in the negative phototaxis of Halorhodospira halophila (2). PYP is an attractive model protein for a common signaling mechanism because it is a structural prototype of the PAS domain superfamily, most of which are involved in the biological sensing (3). PYP is composed of 125 amino acid residues and the p-coumaric acid chromophore linking to the cysteine residue by a thioester bond (4 -6). In the dark state, the phenolic oxygen of the chromophore is deprotonated (5) and hydrogen bonded with protonated Tyr-42 and Glu-46 (see Fig. 1), resulting in the yellow color. Photon absorption by the chromophore initiates the photocycle of PYP (7-11). The primary photochemical event of PYP is the trans-cis isomerization of the chromophore (12, 13), like bacterial retinal proteins. Several intermediates are then formed, followed by a return to the dark state in 100 ms under physiological conditions. During the photocycle, photon energy stored in the twisted chromophore is released to the protein moiety to form the putative signaling state (called PYP M , I 2 , or pB). Because of a largely blue-shifted absorption spectrum with respect to the dark state, as well as the long lifetime (ϳ100 ms), PYP M is easily detectable by UV-visible spectroscopy. This spectral blue shift is considered to be caused by protonation of the phenolic oxygen of the chromophore (5,14).Infrared spectroscopy demonstrated that PYP M is formed from its precursor (PYP L , I 1 , or pR) in two steps (15, 16). First, a proton at Glu-46 is transferred to the chromophore, but the global conformational change of the protein moiety does not take place at this stage, as shown by a small absorbance change of the amide mode. This intermediate (pBЈ) has a protonated chromophore, but the chromophore binding site is considered to be preserved. Second, a global conformational change takes place to form PYP M . As the lifetime of pBЈ (ϳ1 ms) is not markedly different from pR (ϳ100 s) and the absorption spectra of PYP M and pBЈ are similar, isolation of pBЈ has been difficult in steady-state measurement. Recently, the presence of pBЈ between PYP L and PYP M has been established by time-resolved UV-visible spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy (17)(18)(19).Although the signaling pathway of the PYP system has not yet been identified, detailed characterization of long lived intermediates (signaling state) is essential for understanding the signal transduction mechanism of PYP. We have demonstrated extensive conformational change upon formation of PYP M . The dimension of PYP M is significantly larger than the dark state as shown by ϳ1 Å increase of R g (20,21) and PYP M is in a partially unfolded state (22). The N-terminal cap and the central part undergo a substantial structural change (21, 23); however, the cause of this large conformational change has not yet been determined.Accumulated evidence suggests that properties of PYP M are highly pH-sensitive. The extent of con...