The enhancement in ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity at room temperature for Pb 0.7 Sr 0.3 ͑Fe 0.012 Ti 0.988 ͒O 3 ͑PSFT͒ nanoparticles is proved by magnetization and polarization hysteresis loop. The x-ray diffraction and micrograph show that the PSFT nanoparticles have distorted tetragonal single phase, and their average particle's size is 8 nm. The effect of Sr content reduces the particle size, and hence the multiferroic system becomes more resistive, which dominates the superparamagnetic/paraelectric relaxation. The variable-range-hopping conduction mechanism explained the high resistivity of PSFT nanoparticles, which suggests that the room temperature movement of electrons involves short-range order through defect states. © 2008 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2973400͔The emerging trend of size reduction in nanomultiferroic system becomes more interesting in its field. In fact, the small nanomultiferroic systems have remarkable electric ͑i.e., spontaneous polarization͒ as well as magnetic ͑i.e., saturation magnetization͒ orders, which may be due to the short-range movement of electrons within the Fermi gap, and thus increase resistivity. These electromagnetite nanoparticles are used in data-storage media, 1 spintronic devices, 2 and multiple-stage memories. 3 The most studied multiferroic systems of BiFeO 3 have low resistivity, 4 which results in weak ferromagnetism 5 and small polarization at room temperature. 6 Li et al. 7 reported the low resistivity in BiFeO 3 system, i.e., dependent on oxygen vacancies, low valence Fe ion due to their nonstiochiometric behavior and incomplete charge compensation, which may effect the distortion of the lattice. Rossiter et al. 8 reported that the highly resistive magnetoelectric semiconductor attributes short-range interaction between the conduction and the localized spin electrons, which are highly disordered and contribute weak superparamagnetic/paraelectric relaxation. In our previous work of Fe-doped PbTiO 3 nanoparticles, 9 the effect of polyvinyl alcohol ͑PVA͒ to reduce the particle size, which resulted in an increase in resistivity and improvement in ferromagnetism, was observed. The reported value of resistivity was in the order of 10 10 ⍀ cm, which is higher than other multiferroic systems such as BiFeO 3 . The resistivity of Fedoped PbTiO 3 system can further increase by reducing particle size with Sr substitution. Pontes et al. 10 reported the effect of Sr doping in PbTiO 3 to reduce grain size because the Sr content attributes lower grain-growth rates due to the slower diffusion of Sr 2+ with Pb 2+ ion. The substitutions of Sr at Pb site and Fe at Ti site may provide relaxation stability and interesting transport properties. In literature, 11,12 different stabilized relaxation processes were studied with varying temperature by a variable-range-hopping ͑VRH͒ conduction mechanism, which was employed when the conduction band is absent, and the extended states are far away from the Fermi level.In this letter, we report the enhanced ferromagne...