Abstract.Indium tin oxide (Sn-doped In 2 O 3−δ or ITO) is an interesting and technologically important transparent conducting oxide. This class of material has been extensively investigated for decades, with research efforts focusing on the application aspects. The fundamental issues of the electronic conduction properties of ITO from 300 K down to low temperatures have rarely been addressed. Studies of the electricaltransport properties over a wide range of temperature are essential to unraveling the underlying electronic dynamics and microscopic electronic parameters. In this Topical Review, we show that one can learn rich physics in ITO material, including the semiclassical Boltzmann transport, the quantum-interference electron transport, and the electron-electron interaction effects in the presence of disorder and granularity. To reveal the avenues and opportunities that the ITO material provides for fundamental research, we demonstrate a variety of charge transport properties in different forms of ITO structures, including homogeneous polycrystalline films, homogeneous singlecrystalline nanowires, and inhomogeneous ultrathin films. We not only address new physics phenomena that arise in ITO but also illustrate the versatility of the stable ITO material forms for potential applications. We emphasize that, microscopically, the rich electronic conduction properties of ITO originate from the inherited freeelectron-like energy bandstructure and low-carrier concentration (as compared with that in typical metals) characteristics of this class of material. Furthermore, a low carrier concentration leads to slow electron-phonon relaxation, which causes (i) a small residual resistance ratio, (ii) a linear electron diffusion thermoelectric power in a wide temperature range 1-300 K, and (iii) a weak electron dephasing rate. We focus our discussion on the metallic-like ITO material.