We have fabricated photonic crystal nanocavity lasers, based on a high-quality factor design that incorporates fractional edge dislocations. Lasers with InGaAsP quantum well active material emitting at 1550 nm were optically pumped with 10 ns pulses, and lased at threshold pumping powers below 220 W, the lowest reported for quantum-well based photonic crystal lasers, to our knowledge. Polarization characteristics and lithographic tuning properties were found to be in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1511538͔The quest for a compact nanocavity laser, with highquality factor (Q) and small mode volume (V mode ), has been a central part of research in the field of integrated optics. Photonic crystals, 1 and planar photonic crystals in particular ͑PPC͒, 2 are promising manufacturable geometries for the realization of compact optical nanocavities and their integration with waveguides, modulators, and detectors. So far, there have been several reports on room-temperature lasing in PPC nanocavities, 3-7 and more recently, new high-Q cavity designs based on modification of two-dimensional ͑2D͒ photonic crystals have been proposed. 4,8 In this letter, we report the experimental application of one of these designs. The cavities are based on fractional edge dislocations, 8 and are used for the construction of a low-threshold laser in which the high field from the laser surrounds a void for chemical sensing or strong coupling to atomic light sources.Our laser design uses the simplest triangular lattice single-defect cavity containing a fractional edge dislocation. The cavity consists of a defect hole that is smaller than surrounding holes which define the photonic crystal mirror. The row that contains the defect hole is elongated by moving the two photonic crystal half planes a fraction of a lattice constant apart in the ⌫X direction, introducing a dislocation with width p ͑Fig. 1͒. We have shown earlier 8 that by tuning this p parameter, Q factors of single-defect cavities are significantly improved, and can reach values of over 10 000 when p/aϭ10% (a is the lattice constant͒. These high-Q values are obtained while maintaining a very small mode volume of V mode Ϸ0.1( /2). 3 The cavity used in our laser was originally designed for cavity quantum electrodynamic experiments and nanospectroscopy. Light sources or absorbing molecules can be placed into the small hole within the center of the 2D photonic crystal cavity, where the optical field intensity is the strongest. On the other hand, it is clear that the presence of a hole at the point of maximum field intensity is not desirable in low-threshold laser designs, since the overlap with the gain region ͑e.g., quantum wells͒ is decreased. Therefore, we expect even better cavity designs to yield further improvements over the performance of the lasers described here.Our structures are fabricated in InGaAsP quantum well material. Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition was used to grow the active laser structure o...