physical and materials science, but also because of their great potential for energyefficient spintronic applications. [1,2] Blochtype skyrmions were first observed in B20 magnets, [3,4] where the broken inversion symmetry allows for a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), [5,6] leading to the helical alignment of spins. Similarly, in magnetic multilayers, the broken inversion symmetry along the stacking direction also results in an interfacial DMI, stabilizing Néel-type skyrmions. [7] It has also been demonstrated that skyrmions can be created in certain ferromagnets even without significant DMI, stabilized instead by the competition among the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, dipolar, and exchange interaction. [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] For future spintronic devices in which skyrmions are used as information carriers, electrical detection of skyrmions is crucial. At the adiabatic limit, itinerant spins passing through a skyrmion capture an extra Berry phase. As a result, a transverse Hall voltage will be induced in addition to the ordinary and anomalous Hall effects, known as the topological Hall effect (THE). [16] The topological Hall voltage is proportional to the topological charge (skyrmion number) Room-temperature magnetic skyrmion materials exhibiting robust topological Hall effect (THE) are crucial for novel nano-spintronic devices. However, such skyrmion-hosting materials are rare in nature. In this study, a self-intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide Cr 1+x Te 2 with a layered crystal structure that hosts room-temperature skyrmions and exhibits large THE is reported. By tuning the self-intercalate concentration, a monotonic control of Curie temperature from 169 to 333 K and a magnetic anisotropy transition from outof-plane to the in-plane configuration are achieved. Based on the intercalation engineering, room-temperature skyrmions are successfully created in Cr 1.53 Te 2 with a Curie temperature of 295 K and a relatively weak perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Remarkably, a skyrmion-induced topological Hall resistivity as large as ≈106 nΩ cm is observed at 290 K. Moreover, a sign reversal of THE is also found at low temperatures, which can be ascribed to other topological spin textures having an opposite topological charge to that of the skyrmions. Therefore, chromium telluride can be a new paradigm of the skyrmion material family with promising prospects for future device applications.