James M. Wood is Clin i cal Psy chol o gist and As so ci ate Pro fes sor of psy chol ogy at the Uni ver sity of Texas at El Paso. His re cent re search fo cuses on the in ter rog ative sug gest ibil ity of chil dren and adults. He and his col leagues have pub lished sev eral crit i cal re views of the Com pre hen sive Sys tem for the Ror schach. M. Teresa Nezworski is Clin i cal Child Psy chol o gist and As so ci ate Pro fes sor at the Uni ver sity of Texas at Dal las. She has an ac tive clin i cal prac tice in the area of behav ioral med i cine and trains clin i cal psy chol ogy in terns in meth ods of as sessment. Dr. Wil liam Stejskal has con ducted psy cho log i cal and neuropsychological eval u a tions in clin i cal, cor rec tional, and hu man ser vice set tings since 1984. He has pro vided fo ren sic eval u a tion and con sul ta tion ser vices in crim i nal and civil pro ceed ings in Fed eral and State courts in the Mid-At lan tic re gion. He is now at the In sti tute of Law, Psy chi a try, and Pub lic Pol icy at the Uni ver sity of Vir ginia. R. K. McKinzey is in pri vate fo ren sic prac tice on Oak land. He is a mem ber of APA's Div. 41 and NAN. He has an ar ti cle on fo ren sic neuropsychology at . Ad dress cor re spon dence to: James M. Wood, PhD, De part ment of Psy chol ogy, Uni ver sity of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968 (E-mail: jawood@miners.utep.edu).ABSTRACT. The Com pre hen sive Sys tem for the Ror schach is currently the sub ject of heated con tro versy among psy chol o gists. Much "com mon knowl edge" about the test is ei ther in cor rect or in dis pute. Psy chol o gists who use the Ror schach in fo ren sic set tings can of ten be suc cess fully chal lenged by well-in formed at tor neys and may risk be com ing the sub ject of eth ics com plaints. This ar ti cle iden ti fies seven is sues that are par tic u larly rel e vant to use of the Com pre hensive Sys tem for the Ror schach in fo ren sic psy chol ogy. [Ar ti cle cop ies avail able for a fee from The Haworth Doc u ment De liv ery Ser vice: 1-800-342-9678. E-mail ad dress: Website: © 2001 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.]KEYWORDS. Ror schach, com pre hen sive sys tem, pro jec tive testing, fo ren sic, ex pert wit nesses