DOI: 10.1099/00207713-48-2-537
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Roseobacter gallaeciensis sp. nov., a new marine bacterium isolated from rearings and collectors of the scallop Pecten maximus

Abstract: Four bacterial strains were isolated from larval cultures and collectors of the scallop Pecten maximus. They showed a high level of intragroup genomic relatedness (84-95 Yo) as determined by DNA-DNA hybridization. The cells were Gram-negative, strictly aerobic, motile, ovoid rods. They grew at temperatures from 15 to 37 "C and from pH 7.0 to 10, but did not grow in the absence of NaCl and required growth factors. They had the ability to use a wide variety of compounds as sole carbon source : D-mannose, D-galac… Show more

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Cited by 160 publications
(142 citation statements)
References 11 publications
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“…The in vitro tests for growth of P. gallaeciensis on several carbohydrates and amino acids used as single-carbon sources (Ruiz-Ponte et al, 1998) are in general agreement with the genomic predictions (Supplementary Material S10). Both Phaeobacter strains grew well with creatine, sarcosine and taurine and the key enzymes for their degradation were found in the genomes (Supplementary Materials S10 and 11).…”
Section: Nutrient Utilization Of P Gallaeciensissupporting
confidence: 69%
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“…The in vitro tests for growth of P. gallaeciensis on several carbohydrates and amino acids used as single-carbon sources (Ruiz-Ponte et al, 1998) are in general agreement with the genomic predictions (Supplementary Material S10). Both Phaeobacter strains grew well with creatine, sarcosine and taurine and the key enzymes for their degradation were found in the genomes (Supplementary Materials S10 and 11).…”
Section: Nutrient Utilization Of P Gallaeciensissupporting
confidence: 69%
“…The P. gallaeciensis strains DSM 17395 and 2.10 were isolated from geographically very distant locations at the Atlantic coast of north western Spain (strain DSM 17395; scallop larvae hatchery; Ruiz-Ponte et al, 1998) and Sydney, Australia (strain 2.10; surface of the alga Ulva lactuca; Rao et al, 2005). Despite the great distance between the isolation sites, the organisms are very closely related and indistinguishable by their 16S rRNA gene sequence.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Phaeobacter spp. have repeatedly been isolated from different aquaculture facilities (Ruiz‐Ponte et al ., 1998; Hjelm et al ., 2004; Porsby et al ., 2008; Gram et al ., 2015; Grotkjær et al ., 2016b), which indicate that they are part of the natural microbiota in these aquaculture units. Most studies on the probiotic effect of Phaeobacter spp.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Strains belonging to the 'Roseobacter-Sulfitobacter-Silicibacter' group have been isolated from various environments including marine bacterioplankton, both coastal areas and the open ocean, from Antarctica (Gosink et al, 1997;Labrenz et al, 2000;Söller et al, 2000), hypersaline environments (Labrenz et al, 1999(Labrenz et al, , 2000 and black smokers (Yurkov & Beatty, 1998b). Some strains are suspected of being specifically associated with marine invertebrates (Ruiz-Ponte et al, 1998Boettcher et al, 2000;Grigioni et al, 2000;Barbieri et al, 2001) or can colonize surfaces rapidly (Lafay et al, 1995;Prokic et al, 1998;Dang & Lovell, 2000). There are symbioses between marine algae and 'RoseobacterSulfitobacter-Silicibacter' group species where molecular evidence for co-evolution has been described (Ashen & Goff, 2000).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%