The inevitable exposure of man and animals to noise has been aggravated by the increased use of mechanical equipment. Interrupted or continuous exposure to noise induces stress. Noise stress disrupts homeostasis resulting in a complex adaptation response, comprising physiologic mechanisms, aimed at restoring homeostasis. Noise stress exerts negative effects on the body, by inducing neurohormonal impairments, including behavioral, autonomic, neuroendocrine and immunological disorders, linked with increased generation of reactive oxygen species, resulting in oxidative stress. Noise exposure causes health impairment in man, and production losses in animals. Increasing distance from noise source and decreasing noise exposure time are essential for preventing noiseinduced abnormalities. The administration of exogenous antioxidants in noise-induced stress, enhance the expression of endogenous antioxidant enzymes and increase their reactive oxygen specie scavenging capacity, imperative for the improvement of current prophylactic and therapeutic interventions against noise-induced stress.