The potential energy surface is computed at the explicitly correlated coupled cluster with simple, second and perturbative triple excitation method (CCSD(T)-F12) in connection with the augmented-correlation consistent-polarized valence triple zeta (aug-cc-pVTZ) Gaussian basis set for the NeH + −He system. The calculations were performed by first taking into account the vibration of the molecule and then averaging the so-obtained three-dimensional potential. From this average interaction potential, cross-sections among the 11 first rotational levels of NeH + induced by collision with He are calculated for energies up to 4000 cm −1 using the quantum mechanical close coupling (CC) approach. Collisional rate coefficients are obtained by thermally averaging these cross-sections at low temperature (T ≤ 300 K). The propensity rules of the rotational transitions obtained in this paper are discussed and compared with those of HeH + and ArH + in collision with electron. This work may be helpful for the eventual investigations, both theoretical and experimental, focused to detect the key cationic noble gas hydride NeH + in the interstellar and circumstellar media as well as in laboratory experiments.