Microwave rotational transitions have been observed at low J (0-3) for several isotopic species of the Ne-HCN dimer using the Balle/Flygare Mark II Fourier transform spectrometer with a pulsed nozzle as the source. For 2oNe-HC 14N, the main K =0 transitions give rotational constants B, D J, and H J of 2772.816 and 1.280 MHz and 1.173 kHz. The 14N nuclear quadrupole constant increases linearly with J(J+ 1) at a slope Dx of -12.7 kHz fro~ a value for Xa( 14 N) of -0.957 MHz at J=O. The pseudodiatomic approximation for Band Xact 4 N) leads to a value of 3.89 A for the Ne to HC 14N center-of-mass (c.m.) distance R, and to 46.8° for the "average" bend angle () of HC 14N. Some of the K=O, J= 1 ..... 2, and J=2 ..... 3 transitions exhibit one or two weak satellites -30 MHz away, usually below, but also both above and below. The J= 1 ..... 2 low frequency satellites for 2oNe-HC 14N and 2oNe_ HC 15N, nominally 1 11 ..... 2 12 , are symmetrical doublets with splittings of 305 and 439 kHz, respectively. The 14N hyperfine structure (hfs) is identical for the two 2oNe-HC 14N components as is the Stark effect for 2oNe-HC 15N. The molecular mechanics for clusters (MMC) model was used to calculate potential energy surfaces for Rg-HCN dimers, giving stabilities of 21, 37, 85, and 108 cm -I with He, Ne, Ar, and Kr as the rare gas. A qualitative comparison of the experimental properties for the dimers with Ne, Ar, and Kr as the rare gas is based on the surfaces. The extremely mobile internal dynamics of Ne-HCN are attributed to its potential surface, which is both very shallow and isotropic.