Deprotonation of the Mn I NHC-phosphine complex fac-[MnBr(CO) 3 (k 2 P, C-Ph 2 PCH 2 NHC)] (2)u nder aH 2 atmosphere readily gives the hydride fac-[MnH(CO) 3 (k 2 P, C-Ph 2 PCH 2 NHC)] (3)via the intermediacy of the highly reactive 18-e NHC-phosphinomethanide complex fac-[Mn-(CO) 3 (k 3 P, C,C-Ph 2 PCHNHC)] (6a). DFT calculations revealed that the preferred reaction mechanism involves the unsaturated 16-e mangana-substituted phosphonium ylide complex fac-[Mn(CO) 3 (k 2 P, C-Ph 2 P=CHNHC)] (6b)a sk ey intermediate able to activate H 2 via an on-classical mode of metal-ligand cooperation implying af ormal l 5 -P-l 3 -P phosphorus valence change.C omplex 2 is shown to be one of the most efficient pre-catalysts for ketone hydrogenation in the Mn I series reported to date (TON up to 6200).Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.