Jarosite precipitation provides an effective means of eliminating thallium from zinc processing circuits, and a systematic study of the extent and mechanism of thallium removal during the precipitation of ammonium, sodium, and potassium jarosites was carried out. Thallium (as Tl + ) substitutes for the ''alkali'' ion in the jarosite structure. Nearly ideal jarosite solid solutions are formed with potassium, but thallium is preferentially precipitated relative to either ammonium or sodium. Approximately 80 pct of the dissolved thallium precipitates during the formation of ammonium jarosite; the extent of thallium removal is virtually independent of thallium concentrations in the 0 to 3000 mg/L Tl range and of the presence of 75 g/L of dissolved Zn. Although the deportment of thallium is nearly independent of (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 or Na 2 SO 4 concentrations Ͼ0.1 M, the precipitates made from more dilute media are relatively enriched in thallium. Likewise, the precipitates made from dilute ferric ion media are also Tl-rich. Low solution pH values or low temperatures both significantly reduce the amount of jarosite formed, but the precipitates made under these conditions are enriched in thallium. Furthermore, because thallium jarosite is more stable than the ammonium or sodium analogues, the initially formed precipitates are consistently Tl rich. The presence of jarosite seed accelerates the precipitation reaction, but dilutes the thallium content of the product. The results suggest that most of the thallium in a hydrometallurgical zinc circuit could be selectively precipitated in a small amount of jarosite, by carrying out the precipitation reaction for a short time in the absence of seed and from solutions having low alkali concentrations.