Studies looking at use of repeated doses of epinephrine in anaphylaxis are limited.
To determine which patients are most likely to receive repeated doses of epinephrine during anaphylaxis management.
A population-based study, with medical record review was conducted. All patients seen during the study period who met criteria for diagnosis of anaphylaxis were included.
The cohort included 208 patients (55.8% female). Anaphylaxis treatment included epinephrine in 104(50%) cases. Repeated doses were used in 27(13.0%) patients (48.1% female). The median age of those who received repeated doses was 18.9 years (IQR 10-34) versus 31.1 years (IQR 15-41), p=0.065 for those who did not. The inciting agents were food (29.6%), insects (11.1%), medications (22.2%), others (7.4%) and unknown (29.6%). Patients who received repeated doses were more likely to have wheezing (p=0.028), cyanosis (p=0.001), hypotension and shock (p=0.032), stridor and laryngeal edema (p=0.007), nausea and emesis (p=0.043), arrhythmias (p<0.01) and cough and less likely to have urticaria (p=0.049). They were more likely to be admitted to hospital (48.2% vs 15.6%, p=0.0007). There was no significant difference in history of asthma between patients who received repeated doses and those who did not (p=0.168).
Thirteen percent of patients received repeated doses of epinephrine. Patients were younger and were more likely to present with wheezing, cyanosis, arrhythmias, hypotension and shock, stridor, laryngeal edema, cough, nausea, and emesis, and less likely to have urticaria. History of asthma did not predict use of repeated doses of epinephrine. Our results help identify high risk patients who may benefit from carrying more than one dose of epinephrine.