Background Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) provides hemodynamic support to patients with non-compressible truncal hemorrhage. As cardiac output increases due to aortic occlusion (AO), aortic diameter will increase as a function of compliance, potentially causing unintended flow around the balloon. Materials and Methods Swine (N = 10) were instrumented to collect proximal mean arterial blood pressure (pMAP), distal MAP (dMAP), balloon pressure (bP), balloon volume (bV), and distal aortic flow (Qaorta). A 7-Fr automated REBOA catheter was positioned in Zone 1. At T0, animals underwent 30% total blood volume hemorrhage over 30 min followed by balloon inflation to complete AO. Automated balloon inflation occurred from T30-T60 when Qaorta was detected. Period of interest was T55-T60, while the balloon actively worked to maintain AO during transfusion of shed blood. Results Median weight of the cohort was 73.75 [IQR:71.58-74.45] kg. During T40-T55 and T55-T60, median pMAP was 88.95 [IQR:76.80-109.92] and 108.13 [IQR:99.13-119.51] mmHg, P = 0.07. Median Qaorta during T40-T55, and T55-T60 was 0.81 [IQR:0.41-0.96], and 1.53 [IQR:1.07-1.96] mL/kg/min, P = 0.06. Median number of balloon inflations during T40-T55 was 0.00 [IQR:0.00-0.75] and increased during active transfusion to 10.00 [IQR:5.25-14.00], P = 0.001. Discussion In clinical practice, following initial establishment of AO, progressive balloon inflations are required to maintain AO in response to intrinsic and transfusion-mediated increases in cardiac output, blood pressure, and aortic diameter.