The international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER) project aims to
build a tokamak fusion test reactor to verify the feasibility of fusion
reactors. The test blanket module (TBM) is the key component of the
international thermonuclear experimental reactor. The fusion design study
team proposed the concept of the dual-functional lithium-lead test blanket
module (DFLL-TBM). The integral severe accident analysis (ISAA) is a
self-developed ISAA code that models the progression of severe accidents in
nuclear power plants. A broad spectrum of severe accident phenomena
including fission product release and transport behavior is modeled in ISAA.
In this paper, a new version of ISAA, referred to as ISAA-DFLL is
introduced for the application of DFLL-TBM test blanket module into the
treatment of multi fluids and the modules of the new physical property and
heat transfer. The modification is verified by comparing the steady-state
temperature distribution of the DFLL-TBM first wall with the design
parameters. Then accident analysis of In-vessel loss of helium coolant in
first wall and TBM pipe is conducted by using the ISAA-DFLL code. By
comparing the calculation results with the general safety requirements for
TBM, it is concluded that the design of the DFLL-TBM system and the
modifications of the current version are reasonable and accurate.