This retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the safety and complications profile of general anaesthesia (GA) compared with that of regional anaesthesia (RA) for BM harvesting (BMH). The study included 281 donations carried out between 1992 and 1999. Of these, 204 (73%) were allogeneic donations, and GA was carried out in 69% (140 of 204) and RA in 31% (64 of 204) of cases. The other 77 donations were autologous (27%), using GA in 87% (67 of 77) and RA in 13% (10 of 77) of cases. No life-threatening complications occurred, but there were minor intra-and postoperative events during 26 (9%) and after 58 (21%) donations. Postoperative nausea and vomiting was reported in 40 (14%) cases and post-spinal headache after five out of 58 (8.6%) donations in which spinal anaesthesia was carried out. The incidence of intraand postoperative events did not differ significantly between the GA and RA groups. However, the incidence of postoperative events was higher in the allogeneic group compared with that in the autologous group (25 vs 10%, Po0.01) and in female donors compared with male donors (29 vs 14%, P ¼ 0.002). In conclusion, both GA and RA are comparable with regard to BMH. Nevertheless, non-severe intra-and postoperative events were frequent.