Repair and reconstruction is an integral part of the life cycle of such structures as: bridges, overpasses, aqueducts. Timely maintenance and repair of bridge structures contributes to the continuous improvement of their technical level, as well as to the operational state with increasing load and intensity over time on constantly under construction highways.
This article presents the results of a study of the need to repair structures over time. The article contains a description of the types of work, as well as the terms when these works need to be performed, graphs of the volume and cost of work are given. As materials and initial data, the data of approximate turnaround periods of elements of bridge structures were taken, as well as a table of the frequency of repairs by year was compiled.
Based on the collected data, graphs of the cost and changes in the volume of work were built over time. In addition, graphs of the cost of repairing individual elements of the structure are given in relation to the total cost of the structure.
Based on the results obtained, recommendations are formulated for planning the repair of expatriated bridge structures by bridge maintenance departments. A set of measures is also proposed to eliminate existing violations and further operation of the bridge structure. A set of works for the repair of individual units and structures is recommended. Arguments are given for the need to share responsibilities between bridge operation departments during the repair of the structure.