Hutt Lagoon, 28" 1 I'S, 1 14" 15'E, 600 km north of Perth, Western Australia and lying 5 m below sea level is the site of a pilot plant erected by Roche Algal Biotechnology for growing and harvesting the alga Dunaliella salina. The lagoon is filled to a depth of 50-75 cm by rainfall (18% w/v salinity or above) during the winter months and is desiccated to a 5 cm or more thick crust during the summer. Salt from the crust used to prepare a growth medium for D. salina introduced a number of protozoa to the cultures, some of which made great inroads on the algal population. Most of the protozoa in the crust are presumed to be in the form of cysts and originate from more or less permanent seeps and pools (>5% w/v salinity) resulting from the inflow of water from the Indian Ocean on the west and from continental ground water on the east. The salt of the crust is thus a mixture of athalassic and thalassic origin. Only the lower reaches of the seeps are inundated by the winter water rise.Fourteen ciliates, 10 zooflagellates and 4 sarcodines were observed frequently enough in brines of over 15% (w/v) salinity to identify. At least one parasite of D. salina is included in the flagellate group. Although no concerted effort with the phytoflagellates was made, the rarely seen species D. peircei, D. jacobae and Ochromonas cosmopolitus were noted, as well as a Gymnodinium sp. The ciliates include the bacteriophagous Trachelocerca conifer, Metacystis truncata, Chilophrya utahensis, Rhopalophrya salina, Uronema marinum, Condylostoma sp. and Palmarella salina. Those eating both bacteria and algae were Nassula sp., Fabrea salina, Blepharisma halophila, Cladotricha sigmoidea, and Euplotes sp. Ciliates feeding on other ciliates include Podophrya sp. and Trematosoma bocqueti. Among the zooflagellates were several species of Monosiga, Rhynchomonas nasuta, Phyllomitus sp., Tetramitus salinus, T. cosmopolitus, Bodo caudatus, B. edax and 3 other distinctive Bodo species, one being parasitic on D. salina. All of the sarcodina fed on both algae and bacteria, except for the smallest amoeba (4 pm diameter rounded) which did not feed on algae, and included Heteramoeba sp. with both flagellate and amoeboid phases, an orange amoeba, an orange filopodforming organism and a colorless filopod-forming organism, the last three of unknown genus.The relationship of these protozoa to the lagoon and to D. salina culturing is discussed.