Nowadays the "Intelligent Field" concept is being actively implemented in TNK-BP, with Samotlorskoe field (OJSC "Samotlorneftegas") at the forefront in this conceptual area.
The term "intelligent field" means arrangement of additional value of oil and gas asset by forming a cycle of gathering of qualitative data, treatment, modeling, decision making and their prompt performance. The concept is implemented step by step. At the first stage of implementation in 2009 – 2010 the main focus was on its technical constituent, the following technologies were reviewed and implemented: –use of different primary transducers for real-time data receiving;–upgrading SCADA, including use of remote control;–use of different real-time expert and simulating systems.
Implementation of such technologies on a large scale adds value to the process of decision-making and oil production control. It has become evident that efficient implementation of technologies is impossible without changing production control processes both at the technological and organizational level. It also becomes essential to organize the process of implementation of such changes.
In 2011 – 2012, in addition to the technical phase, the organizational phase was started in parallel. The issues related to technology influence on the current business processes and organizational changes required for efficient use of the technology were addressed to, the personnel's objectives were reconsidered and the team for implementation of changes was formed.
The paper outlines technical aspects of technologies implementation and evaluates their influence on oil production process. The issues related to changes in organizational structure and business processes relevant to implementation of "intelligent field" technologies are presented. The effect resultant from technology implementation is evaluated.