Fifteen intervarietal F x hybrids and their parents were evaluated in two field sward trials, representing three levels of management intensity each maintained over a 2-year harvest period. The trials were sown in different years and at different sites. Several hybrids exhibited significant levels of heterosis for total annual dry-matter yield -up to 5-5 % mid-parent and up to 3-6 % higher-parent heterosis. Within individual trials mid-parent heterosis up to 8% was found, while at particular harvests over 25% heterosis was not uncommon. Comparisons made of performance in swards, simulated swards and spaced-plant conditions showed that genetic differences found maximum expression in non-competitive conditions. This was greatly reduced in simulated swards and further suppressed in sown swards in the field. Expression of heterosis was highly specific to the conditions in which it was tested, although the two hybrids most heterotic as spaced plants were also significantly heterotic in field swards.
INTRODUCTIONA series of intervarietal F x hybrids of Lolium perenne has been developed and the performance and characteristics of the hybrids compared with those of their parents under both non-competitive, spaced-plant conditions and competitive, simulated sward conditions (Foster, 1971 o, c). The heterotic potential of certain intervarietal F 1 hybrids was expressed in spaced-plant conditions, 31 % higherparent heterosis for 2-year green-matter yield being shown by one bulk hybrid. Under simulated sward conditions the expression of heterosis was considerably reduced, the highest level being 17 % for dry-matter yield over a number of environmental treatments during 2 years. A more practical assessment of this material could be derived from an evaluation in field sward trials subjected to repeated defoliation by cutting, i.e. trials of the standard type used for dry-matter yield comparisons of herbage varieties. The results of two such trials are presented in this paper.