samples of complaint statements gathered in a municipal oubpatient clinic a solut.ion specifying effect of professional identification on the judgment of the severity of psychiatric complaints is not parsimonious and that, there was more communality than divergence among the raters participating in the study. Instead, evidence is reported which suggests that such judgment may be mediated by the raters' individual value systems with respect to the nature of the specific complaints. REFERENCES 1. GLOSSER H. T. Psychiatric versus psychological opinion regarding personality disturbances. Amw. Psyclh. 1958 19,477481. 2. GUILFORD, ' k. P. Psychometric methods. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1954. 3. HORST, P. and SCHAIE, K. W. The multiple group method of factor analysis and rotation to a sim le structure hypothesis. J . exper. Educ., 1956, 24, 231-237. 4. ~O R R , M. and RUBINSTEIN, E. A. Factors descriptive of psychiatric out-patients. J . abnorm. 5. MCNEMAR Q. Psychological Statistics. New York: Wiley, 1956. 6. ROWEL, i o r s A., SCHAIE, K. W., WEISS, J. M. A. and MELIKAN, T. P. The relationship between medical, psychological and social factors and the psychiatric complaints of older patients. 7 . STEPHENSON, W. The study of behavior: &-technique and its methodology. Chicago: University of 8. TATOM. MARY H. A factorial isolation of psychiatric out-patient syndromes. J. consult. Psychol., SOC. Psychol., 1955,61,514-522. A m . Psychol., 1958, 13, 341-342. Chicago Press, 1953. _ . 1958, 28, 73-81. 9. THURSTONE. L. A multide ~O U D method of factoring ---1945, 10, 73-78. -10. WEISS, J. M. A., ROWL, Lois A. and SCHAIE, K. W. referred to a psychiatric clinic. J. Gerontology (in press). the correlation matrix. Psychometrika, Presenting problems of older patients T H E COMPARATIVE RELIABILITY O F TWO TECHNIQUES OF PERSONALITY APPRAISAL1 University of WashingtonOne of the traditional objections t o the self-appraisal type of noncognitive psychological instrument is the tendency for the subject to give what he regards as the socially approved response to the items or statements on the inventory. A method credited by Baier(') t o the senior author has been used extensively in an effort to overcome this objection. It consists essentially of the following steps: