We dedicate this paper to the late professor Glen Cass for his pioneering contributions to the field of air pollution science and engineering and his suggestions in the design of the field experiments reported in this paper. We all will sorely miss him. The authors thank William C. Hinds, Rong C. Yu, Douglas A. Lane, and Peter H. McMurry for helpful discussions; Bill Grant for the fieldwork; and the referees for their valuable recommendations for the final manuscript. This research was supported by the Southern California Particle Center and Supersite. Although the research described in this article has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency through grants #R827352-01-0 and CR-82805901 to UCLA, it has not been subjected to the Agency's required peer and policy review and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred.Address correspondence to Antonio H. Miguel, SCPCS, CHS 51.297, 650 Charles E. Young Dr. South, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772. E-mail: ahmiguel@ucla.edu that for both sites, using either sampling system, the size distributions obtained are similar for the less volatile PAHs (log [p• L] ≤ −3.2), but different for the more volatile PAHs (log [p• L] ≥ −2.06). In the central Los Angeles site, the largest PAH fraction was found in the 0-0.18 µm (mode I) size range, typical of primary emissions. At the downwind location, the largest fraction was in the 0.18-2.5 µm (mode II) size range, consistent with an "aged" aerosol. At both sites, albeit not statistically significant, the mean regular to denuded MOUDI mass ratios were 33-36% and 11-19% higher, respectively, for the more volatile and the less volatile PAH groups. Sampling with the regular MOUDI configuration is simpler and thus recommended for measurement of the size distribution of PAHs in either group.