“…This association has now been widely documented across Iceland, especially in upland settings on the deglaciated forelands of plateau icefields, where it is regarded as a landsystem product of former polythermal snout conditions at the Little Ice Age maximum (e.g. Evans, 2010Evans, , 2011Evans et al, 2010Evans et al, , 2015a. The occurrence of proglacially thrust materials, in this case pumice sheets on the east flanks of the volcano, has been documented also in such polythermal settings, for example, at Eiríksjökull, Iceland (ice-contact fans/aprons; Evans, Ewertowski, & Orton, 2015a) and northwest Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada (proglacial lake sediments and outwash; Evans, 1989;Evans & England, 1991;Ó Cofaigh et al, 2003), where pre-existing deformable materials are susceptible to thrust block development.…”