19. Average diameter, 3" , of radiation-produced defect clusters vs annealing temperature 20. Density of defect clusters, n, vs annealing tempera ture for single crystal samples 86 21. Plot of interbarrier spacing, a, vs annealing tempera tures for single crystal samples containing three levels of oxygen 22: Transmission electron micrograph of V-300 single crystal in as-irradiated condition. Region A indicates a linear arrangement of defect clusters adjacent to a denuded region 9^ viii Page 23. Transmission electron micrograph of V-300 single crystal in as-irradiated condition, showing linear arrangements of defect clusters at A and C 24. Transmission electron micrograph of V-300 single crystal in as-irradiated condition. Letters A-E. indicate regions where defect clusters appear to be arranged in chain-like fashion along an arc 96 25. True stress vs true strain for unirradiated (above) and irradiated (below) specimens of vanadium-60 wt ppm oxygen isothermal3v annealed at 175°C. _ Irradiation dose, 1.2x10 n/cnr (E>1 MeV) at 105 C 98 26. True stress vs true strain for unirradiated (above) and irradiated (below) specimens of vanadium-200 wt ppm oxygen isothermally annealed at 175 C._ Irradiation dose, 1.2x10'^ n/cmr (E>1 MeV) at 105 C 99 27. True stress vs true strain for unirradiated (above) and irradiated (below) specimens of vanadium-640 wt ppm oxygen isothermally annealed at 175 C. Irradiation dose, 1.2x1019 n/cnr (E>1 MeV) at 105 C 101 28. True stress vs true strain for unirradiated (above) and irradiated (below) specimens of vanadium-60 ppm oxygen isochronally annealed for 1 hr. Irradia tion dose, 1.2x10'' n/cnr (E>1 MeV) at 105"C. Arrow points to an instant reloading 104 29. True stress vs true strain for unirradiated (above) and irradiated (below) specimens of vanadium-200 ppm oxygen isochronally annealed for 1 hr.. Irradiation dose, 1.2xl0'^n/cm' (E>1 MeV) at 105 C 106 30. True stress vs true strain for unirradiated (above) and irradiated (below) specimens of vanadium-640 ppm oxygen isochronally annealed for 1 hr.. Irradiation dose, 1.2xloT9 n/cnr (E>1 MeV) at 105 C 108 31. True stress vs true strain for irradiated vanadium strained ^ 3% prior to annealing at 175°C for specified times m 32. True stress vs true strain for Irradiated vanadium strained ~ 6% prior to annealing at 175°C for specified times 113 ix 33. True stress vs true strain for irradiated vanadium strained-v 8% prior to annealing at 175°C for specified times 34. ScaiWing electron micrographs of vanadium-95 wt ppm oxygen single crystals deformed 12% in compression at room temperature; (a).unirradiated specimen, (b) irradiated to 1.4x10"' n/cm^ (E>1 MeV) at 95°C prior to straining 35. High magnification scanning electron micrographs of slip lines in irradiated and deformed vanadium-500 ppm oxygen single crystal 36. Dislocation channels in vanadium-95 wt ppm oxygen single crystal, post-irradiation deformed 12% in compression at room temperature. Intersecting channels can be observed at A and B 37. Dislocation channels in vanadium-300 wt ppm oxy...