*Implementing topological insulators as elementary units in quantum technologies requires a comprehensive understanding of the dephasing mechanisms governing the surface carriers in these materials, which impose a practical limit to the applicability of these materials in such technologies requiring phase coherent transport. To investigate this, we have performed magneto-resistance (MR) and conductance fluctuations (CF) measurements in both exfoliated and molecular beam epitaxy grown samples. The phase breaking length (l φ ) obtained from MR shows a saturation below sample dependent characteristic temperatures, consistent with that obtained from CF measurements. We have systematically eliminated several factors that may lead to such behavior of l φ in the context of TIs, such as finite size effect, thermalization, spin-orbit coupling length, spin-flip scattering, and surface-bulk coupling. Our work indicates the need to identify an alternative source of dephasing that dominates at low T in topological insulators, causing saturation in the phase breaking length and time./h) B (T) -60 0 60 120 6 8 10 6 8 10 V G (V) R EXF (K:) R MBE (K:) 10 …m (b) (a) Figure 1. Quantum transport in topological insulator FETs. (a) Typical R -VG for exfoliated TI (R EXF ) TBN11 and epitaxially grown TI (R M BE ) M10 at 20mK. Inset: optical micrograph of a typical exfoliated TI FET (b) Weak-antilocalisation behavior observed in different samples at T = 300 mK. The solid black lines are fits to the data using Eq. 1.Topological insulators (TIs) [1-4] are a new class of materials characterized by the presence of gapless and linearly dispersing metallic surface states present in the bulk band gap due to non-trivial topology of the bulk band structure. The surface carriers are prohibited from back-scattering against non-magnetic impurities and exhibit a plethora of fundamentally important effects such as spin-momentum locking, hosting Majorana fermions in the presence of a superconductor, topological magnetoelectric effect, and quantum anomalous Hall effect [1,5]. The topological protection of these surface states makes these materials a strong contender for the building blocks of qubits, which require long phase coherence length (l φ ) * isaurav@iisc.ac.in; SI and SB contributed equally for error tolerant quantum computation. Hence, it is critical to understand the mechanisms responsible for dephasing or decoherence, which is equivalent to loss of information, in the surface states of TIs. The most common dephasing mechanism in TIs at low temperature (T ) has been known to be electron-electron interaction [6][7][8][9][10], and the coupling of the surface states to localized charged puddles in the bulk [11]. Li et al. have demonstrated that electron-phonon interaction is also required to explain the dependence of l φ on T [12]. Although theoretically, all these mechanisms lead to a diverging l φ with decreasing T [6,7,13,14], experimentally, the increase of l φ with reducing T is often followed by its saturation for T ≤ 2 − 5 K [11,12,15,16...