Background-Inhibition of platelet aggregation by preventing the binding of fibrinogen to glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa on activated platelets results in antithrombotic activity. We report on the antithrombotic effect of xemilofiban (SC-54684A), an oral GP IIb/IIIa antagonist, administered alone or with aspirin (ASA) in an acute thrombosis model. Methods and Results-Conscious dogs were treated with xemilofiban (1.25, 2.5, 5.0, or 6 mg/kg, nϭ6); low-dose (LD, 81 mg) ASA, nϭ7; high-dose (HD, 162 mg) ASA, nϭ6; xemilofibran 1.25 mg/kg plus LD ASA, nϭ6; xemilofibran 1.25 mg/kg plus HD ASA, nϭ6; or placebo, nϭ7. Dogs were anesthetized 60 minutes later, and the effects of the treatments were evaluated after electrolytic injury (250 A for 180 minutes) in the left circumflex coronary artery. Bleeding time (BT) was assessed in a separate study. Incidence of thrombosis was reduced (PϽ0.05) by xemilofiban Ն2.5 mg/kg, HD ASA, or xemilofiban 1.25 mg/kg plus HD ASA compared with placebo. Xemilofiban Ն2.5 mg/kg or xemilofiban 1.25 mg/kg plus HD ASA significantly increased time to occlusion, inhibited ex vivo platelet aggregation to collagen Ͼ90%, and prevented or decreased (PϽ0.05) cyclic flow variations (CFVs) compared with placebo. BT was increased (PϽ0.05) with xemilofiban Ն2.5 mg/kg but not with xemilofiban 1.25 mg/kg plus HD ASA. Conclusions-Xemilofiban Ն2.5 mg/kg, HD ASA, or xemilofiban 1.25 mg/kg plus HD ASA significantly reduced the incidence of thrombosis. These doses of xemilofiban or xemilofiban 1.25 mg/kg plus HD ASA increased time to occlusion, inhibited ex vivo platelet aggregation by Ͼ90%, and prevented or reduced CFVs. Xemilofiban Ն2.5 mg/kg but not xemilofiban 1.25 mg/kg plus HD ASA significantly increased BT. (Circulation. 1998;98:813-820.)