Semiotic multimodality theory speaks of new learning affordances in media ecologies, which is both theoretically and empirically echoed in UDL and in CALL literature, but owing to their neuro-didactic respectively technology-driven standpoints both approaches lack theoretical underpinnings for ecology and semiotic multimodality. Enhanced with multimodality theory and ecological perspectives UDL and CALL can crossbreed, forming a multimodally and ecologically aware inclusive design for language learning. This study from an ongoing project investigates the hypothesis from a theoretical and an empirical perspective, examining digital scaffolds. Multimodal-semiotic and ecological perspectives are used to analyse affordances and ecologies in CALL and UDL learning designs. From this analysis, a principled UDL-CALL learning design is constructed. For empirical testing, a mixed-methods research design is proposed, presenting preliminary results indicative of the design’s viability.