The time reversal symmetric polar phase of the spin-triplet superfluid 3 He has two types of Dirac nodal lines. In addition to the Dirac loop in the spectrum of the fermionic Bogoliubov quasiparticles in the momentum space (px, py, pz), the spectrum of bosons (magnons) has Dirac loop in the 3D space of parameters -the components of magnetic field (Hx, Hy, Hz). The bosonic Dirac system lives on the border between the type-I and type-II.
PACS numbers:Originally the topology of the points and lines of level crossing 1,2 (diabolical points 3,5 ) has been investigated in a parameter space. In particular, while encircling a diabolical point in the space of two parameters, the wavefunction changes sign. [3][4][5] Typically this has been applied to electronic spectrum in molecular systems. Later the topological methods have been applied to the diabolical points in the spectrum of fermionic quasiparticles (Bogoliubov quasipartilces) in gapless superfluids and superconductors, 6 where the parameter space is the space of linear momentum in superfluids and quasimomentum in superconductors, or the extended phase space (p, r). 7-9 In particular, the topologically protected diabolical point in 3D momentum space -the Weyl pointgives rise to Weyl fermions and effective gauge and gravity fields emerging in the vicinity of the Weyl point. [10][11][12] This analog of relativistic quantum field allowed to experimentally verify the Adler-Bell-Jackiw 13,14 equation for chiral anomaly in chiral superfluid 3 He-A. 15 Then this topological consideration has been extended to the spectrum of bosonic excitations, see e.g. [16][17][18][19] .Recently the new trend is towards the topology in the extended space, which combines the momentum space and the parameter space, see e.g. 20 Here we show that the appropriate system, where the two spaces (momentum space and parameter space) are topologically connected, is the polar phase of superfluid 3 He discovered in nematically ordered aerogel. 21 In momentum space the polar phase contains the Dirac nodal line in the quasiparticle spectrum determined by the 2 × 2 Bogoliubov-Nambu Hamiltonian:Here τ a are the Pauli matrices in the Bogoliubov-Nambu space; p F and v F are the Fermi momentum and Fermi velocity in the normal state of liquid 3 He; ∆ P is the gap amplitude in the polar phase;p = p/p;m is the unit vector of uniaxial anisotropy axis provided by the direction of the aerogel strands, and we choose the coordinate systems withẑ =m; we ignore here the spin structure of the order parameter (but later it will be important for the consideration of spin dynamics). The nodal line, where the spectrum of negative energy states touches the spectrum of positive energy states, is ΔΦ= π H x γH = Ω P H z C H y ΔΦ= π p x p = p F p z m C p y FIG. 1: (Color online) Exceptional lines of level crossing analyzed by von Neumann and Wigner 2 in the polar phase of superfluid 3 He. The geometric Berry phase around these lines changes by π. Left: Dirac line in the quasiparticle spectrum in space of the components of momen...