The top-down type IIB holographic dual of large-N thermal QCD as constructed in [1] involving a fluxed resolved warped deformed conifold, its delocalized type IIA SYZ mirror as well as its M-theory uplift constructed in [2] -both in the finite coupling (g s < ∼ 1)/'MQGP' limit of [2] -were shown explicitly to possess a local SU (3)/G 2 -structure in [3]. Glueballs spectra in the finite-gauge-coupling limit (and not just large-t'Hooft coupling limit) -a limit expected to be directly relevant to strongly coupled systems at finite temperature such as QGP [4] -has thus far been missing in the literature. In this paper, we fill this gap by calculating the masses of the 0 ++ , 0 −+ , 0 −− , 1 ++ , 2 ++ ('glueball') states (which correspond to fluctuations in the dilaton or complexified two-forms or appropriate metric components) in the aforementioned backgrounds of G-structure in the 'MQGP' limit of [2]. We use WKB quantization conditions on one hand and impose Neumann/Dirichlet boundary conditions at an IR cut-off ('r 0 ')/horizon radius ('r h ') on the solutions to the equations of motion on the other. We find that the former technique produces results closer to the lattice results. We also discuss r h = 0-limits of all calculations. In this context we also calculate the 0 ++ , 0 −− , 1 ++ , 2 ++ glueball masses up to NLO in N and find a gsM 2 N (g s N f )-suppression similar to and further validating a similar semi-universality of NLO corrections to transport coefficients, observed in [5]. 1 SU (N + M ) strong Seiberg Dual −→ SU (N − (M − N f )) weak in the IR; assuming after repeated Seiberg dualities or duality cascade, N decreases to 0 and there is a finite M , one will be left with SU (M ) gauge theory with N f flavors that confines in the IR -the finite temperature version of the same is what was looked at by [1].2. Obtaining N c = 3, and Color-Flavor Enhancement of Length Scale in the IR: So, in the IR, at the end of the duality cascade, what gets identified with the number of colors N c is M , which in the 'MQGP limit' to be discussed below, can be tuned to equal 3. One can identify N c with N eff (r) + M eff (r), where N eff (r) = Base of Resolved Warped Deformed Conifold F 5 and M eff = S 3F3 (the S 3 being dual to e ψ ∧ (sin θ 1 dθ 1 ∧ dφ 1 − B 1 sin θ 2 ∧ dφ 2 ), wherein B 1 is an asymmetry factor defined in [1], and e ψ ≡ dψ + cosThe effective number N eff of D3-branes varies between N ≫ 1 in the UV and 0 in the deep IR, and the effective number M eff of D5-branes varies between 0 in the UV and M in the deep IR (i.e., at the end of the duality cacade in the IR). Hence, the number of colors N c varies between M in the deep IR and a large value [even in the MQGP limit of (11) (for a large value of N )] in the UV. Hence, at very low energies, the number of colors N c can be approximated by M , which in the MQGP limit is taken to be finite and can hence be taken to be equal to three. However, in this discussion, the low energy or the IR is relative to the string scale. But these energies which are much less ...