Scanning of hosts on the Internet to identify vulnerable devices and services is a key component in many of today's cyberattacks. Tracking this scanning activity, in turn, provides an excellent signal to assess the current state-of-affairs for many vulnerabilities and their exploitation. So far, studies tracking scanning activity have relied on unsolicited traffic captured in darknets, focusing on random scans of the address space. In this work, we track scanning activity through the lens of unsolicited traffic captured at the firewalls of some 89,000 hosts of a major Content Distribution Network (CDN). Our vantage point has two distinguishing features compared to darknets: (i) it is distributed across some 1,300 networks, and (ii) its servers are live, offering services and thus emitting traffic. While all servers receive a baseline level of probing from Internet-wide scans, i.e., scans targeting random subsets of or the entire IPv4 space, we show that some 30% of all logged scan traffic is the result of localized scans. We find that localized scanning campaigns often target narrow regions in the address space, and that their characteristics in terms of target selection strategy and scanned services differ vastly from the more widely known Internet-wide scans. Our observations imply that conventional darknets can only partially illuminate scanning activity, and may severely underestimate widespread attempts to scan and exploit individual services in specific prefixes or networks. Our methods can be adapted for individual network operators to assess if they are subjected to targeted scanning activity.