Abstract. Classical mechanics of a particle was gradually complicated and expanded by adding new and new attributes, which finally brought to the situation that in principle cannot be verified experimentally. Here, a possible scenario for the further development of particle physics is suggested, which is based on a deterministic submicroscopic concept that has been developing by the author.
Provisions of particle physics related to supersymmetryIn classical mechanics the state of a particle is determined exactly and all observables take exact values. In the gravitation physics an important role plays spacetime, which in the formalism of general relativity became a smooth manifold with a pseudo-Riemannian metric of signature (+, -, -, -). Such an approach made it possible to talk about the gravitation as a purely geometric phenomenon, a manifestation of the curvature of spacetime. Einstein interpreted the as the gravitational potentials and showed that in matter-free regions of spacetime they satisfy where R are the components of the Ricci tensor. These are the Einstein equations. Unlike the Maxwell equations they are nonlinear in the Contrary to the gravitation physics, quantum physics uses the mathematical model in which the states are believed causal and deterministic until measurements are not made. This is the Copenhagen interpretation. One of the triumphs of quantum theory and the Copenhagen interpretation was an introduction of the wave-particle duality of light; in particular, such interpretation was used to explain the phenomenon of the diffraction of light [1,2]. The development of mathematics associated with quantum phenomena and the introduction of metric of spacetime was consistently described by Varadarajan [3]. A quantum system is described mathematically by using a complex separable Hilbert space H. The states of the system are the points of the projective space P(H) of H. In a one-dimensional subspace of H there is a basis vector of norm 1. If the observable (operator) A has a discrete spectrum with eigenvalues A1, A2,… and corresponding (unit) eigenvectors Then a measurement of A in the state will give the value Ai with probability where i =1, 2, ... The complex number is called the probability amplitude, so that quantum probabilities are computed as squares of absolute values of complex probability amplitudes. Since basis vectors i are orthonormal basis of H, the following normalization relationship is hold: A special property revealed in particles was named "spin". From the mathematical point of view, spin systems of N particles are systems in which all observables have exactly N values. The Hilbert space can then be taken to be C N with the standard scalar product. The observables are then N x N Hermitian matrices whose spectra are the sets of values of these observables. The determination of states is made by measurements of observables with exactly N distinct values. Although the quantum observables do not form an algebra, they are the real elements of a complex algebra. Thus one can ...