We observed the frequency dependence of the superfluid transition of 4 He films adsorbed on planar gold up to a very high frequency of 180 MHz, using the overtone harmonic modes of a quartz crystal microbalance. The superfluid onset was observed at a temperature markedly higher than the KosterlitzThouless (KT) transition temperature, the onset temperature in the low-frequency limit. The observed frequency dependence is surprisingly well reproduced by the dynamic theory close to the high-frequency condition where the vortex diffusion length in a period becomes as small as the vortex core diameter. We also observed that the superfluid vortex parameters depend strongly on the kind of substrate as well as on 4 He film thickness.
KEYWORDS: KT transition,4 He film, superfluidity DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.78.033604The superfluid onset of two-dimensional (2D)4 He films observed using a torsional oscillator at 1.2 kHz 1) was understood in the framework of the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) transition, 2) which is completely different from the Ginzburg-Landau (GL)-type phase transition. The KT transition is now a general concept for superconducting films,3) Josephson-junction arrays, 4) and the Bose-Einstein condensation of a 2D atomic Bose gas.5) The KT transition temperature T KT is far below the GL temperature T GL . The KT theory predicts that the observed superfluid onset close to T KT is determined by the pairing/unbinding of superfluid vortices. However, the actual important properties of the vortices, e.g., the vortex core diameter a 0 and the vortex diffusion constant D, have not been obtained precisely even for typical (standard) 2D4 He films. Furthermore, the KT context for the 4 He films would definitely break down under some extreme conditions of the film geometry formed in pores and of the high frequency in the measurement.For 4 He films formed in porous media such as Vycor glasses, Minoguchi and Nagaoka 6) calculated that the superfluid onset temperature becomes higher than T KT and that the onset temperature diverges with a decrease in the pore diameter to the core diameter a 0 . Therefore, the context breaks down for 4 He films formed in nanopores whose diameter is equal to or smaller than a 0 . Recently, superfluidity was observed for 4 He films formed in 1D nanopores larger than 1.8 nm in diameter.7) Its superfluid onset should be considered in another context, because the smallest superfluid tube diameter was estimated to be about 1 nm, which is smaller than a 0 ¼ 2:5 AE 1:2 nm, estimated earlier for the Vycor glasses.
8)According to the dynamic KT theory, 9) the superfluid onset depends on the measuring frequency !=2. The observed superfluid density s is equal to a stiffness at the size of the vortex diffusion length r D ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 14D=! p in the period 1=!. At a low frequency limit (i.e., r D ! 1), s shows a universal jump at T KT . At a finite frequency, the superfluid onset occurs at a temperature slightly higher than T KT , where r D becomes equal to the 2D phase coherence leng...