We study the universal relations and normal-phase thermodynamics of a two-component ultracold Fermi gas with coexisting s-and p-wave interactions. Due to the orthogonality of two-body wave functions of different scattering channels, the universal thermodynamic relations of the system appear to be direct summations of contributions from each partial-wave scattering channels. These universal relations are dictated by a set of contacts, which can be associated with either s-or pwave interactions. Interestingly, due to the interplay of s-and p-wave interactions on the many-body level, the contacts, and hence all the relevant thermodynamic quantities, behave differently from those with only s-or p-wave interactions. These are manifest in our numerical calculations based on second-order virial expansions for 40 K atoms under typical experimental parameters. A particularly interesting finding is that, due to the coexistence of s-and p-wave scatterings, the interaction energy of the repulsive branch features abrupt changes across the p-wave resonances. Our results can be readily checked experimentally for 40 K atoms near the 198G p-wave Feshbach resonance, where multiple partial-wave scatterings naturally coexist.