Picture on title page:The series of three pictures on the left hand side of the image depicts an iso-surface of freshgas concentration in the two-stroke engine cylinder after opening of the transfer ports, at the lowest position of the piston, and shortly before closing of the transfer ports (from top to bottom). On the right hand side, different particle traces through the cylinder (top) and the crankcase (bottom) are shown.
PrefaceThe two-stroke engine is widely used in many different devices. But the environmentally problematic exhaust characteristic is a big drawback of this type of engine. In the scavenging process, when the fresh charge displaces the exhaust gas in the cylinder, lies the biggest opportunity to improve the exhaust data by geometry optimization. In order to give the engineer the opportunity to analyze the flow field and to compare different engine geometries, we developed a software package to efficiently simulate the three-dimensional, time-dependent, Navier-Stokes equations within the complex, real-world geometry of the two-stroke engine with moving piston and rotating crankshaft.