Parasites are thought to play an important role in sexual selection and the evolution of mating strategies, which in turn are likely to be critical to the transmission and therefore the evolution of parasites. Despite this clear interdependence we have little understanding of parasite-mediated sexual selection in the context of reciprocal parasite evolution. Here we develop a general coevolutionary model between host mate preference and the virulence of a sexually transmitted parasite. We show when the characteristics of both the host and parasite lead to coevolutionarily stable strategies or runaway selection, and when coevolutionary cycling between high and low levels of host mate choosiness and virulence is possible. A prominent argument against parasites being involved in sexual selection is that they should evolve to become less virulent when transmission depends on host mating success. The present study, however, demonstrates that coevolution can maintain stable host mate choosiness and parasite virulence or indeed coevolutionary cycling of both traits. We predict that choosiness should vary inversely with parasite virulence and that both relatively long and short life spans select against choosy behavior in the host. The model also reveals that hosts can evolve different behavioral responses from the same initial conditions, which highlights difficulties in using comparative analysis to detect parasitemediated sexual selection. Taken as a whole, our results emphasize the importance of viewing parasite-mediated sexual selection in the context of coevolution | mate choice | virulence | transmission avoidance | sexually transmitted infection S ince Hamilton and Zuk (1) first proposed that parasitism may explain the existence of secondary sex traits such as the peacock's tail, there has been considerable interest in the role that parasites play in sexual selection and the evolution of mating strategies (2-19). A prominent theory, known as the transmissionavoidance hypothesis, posits that secondary sex traits, and more generally, mating strategies, have evolved to limit the risk of contracting an infection (10). Although this theory emphasizes the importance of parasites in determining mating strategies, it is clear that different mating strategies will have an impact on infectious disease transmission and therefore influence parasite evolution. However, despite this clear interdependence we lack a coevolutionary theory of mating strategies that captures reciprocal adaptations by both species.Sex can leave individuals at risk of infection due to sustained close contact with sexual partners or through the transfer of genetic material (20). Hence, sexually transmitted infections, which are common in both plants (21) and animals (22), are likely to be a key factor in the evolution of mating strategies. Furthermore, sexually transmitted infections typically exhibit different epidemiological dynamics (17, 23) and disease outcomes (e.g., sterility rather than mortality; ref. 22) to other in...