Zur Bestimmung des extrahierbaren, organisch gebundenenHalogens (EOX)eine einfache konventionelle Methode Nummary: The described procedure of analytics concerns both high-volatile and low-volatile haloorganic compounds which are extractable with hexane, such as halomethanes, -ethanes, -ethenes in ground, surface and drinking waters. The substances are mineralized by digestion. Besides organically bonded chlorine also bromine ar-d iodine are detected. The silver-chloride turbidity formed with silver nitrate is measure.d with a Spekol photometer with a fluorescence measurement attachment a t an excitation wavelength of 366 nm (mercury lamp). The detection limit for organically bonded chlorine is 8 pg/l. I n a concluding chapter, the result of the testing of the method of analysis is described by the example of the haloform formation potential.